Friday, December 21, 2007

My Robot Arwork now as a playing card!

So about a month ago I joined this art contest where you pick a playing card & design something relevant to that card. I submitted a really cute robot that had 3 hearts on his chest, for the 3 of hearts card. I am excited to say that he ahs been chosen & will be on a deck of artist playing cards that will be for sale!The site is called Custom 52 (we are playing without a full deck), which is by far supremely wittyI think! Custom 52 is an Online Community that uses playing cards as their canvas, entries are graded by your peers & only the strong will survive!!!

The top design for each playing card will be chosen to go to print & a deck of the top submissions will be produced & go on sale for the world to enjoy. How freaking cool! So here is a snapshot of all Deck 2's artwork that will be available on a deck of cards. Purchase them from the Custom52 website!

Cycle 3 is going on now, so if you got some creativity in you that you wanna let is the time!

Happy Holidays and Have a great New Year! See ya on the flip side ;)